Monday, March 15, 2010

Just say hi. Please?

I know, I know, I know this is not my deal. He's gone so he can work on himself. But I can't pretend his absence doesn't affect me. Almost as bad as bedtime is when I text him and don't get a response for hours, if at all.

Maybe about 3 months ago, he and I had a fight about whether it's common courtesy to at least send a response text, especially to your spouse, regardless of whether or not it addresses any question that's been posed. He said something that is very similar to a line in one of my favorite Van Morrison songs:

And if you never hear from me
That just means I would rather not

Thanks, Van. So, can you tell me why my husband doesn't want to send me a response text? He'd mentioned in that same fight that sometimes he just doesn't feel like responding. I have a feeling I know why - in his mind, that fight wasn't about my expectation of common courtesy from the person who's supposed to love me most in the world, it was about me trying to control him. It doesn't matter what I say, there's just so much that he sees as me trying to control him. And since the past couple of months have been quite a bit about how he feels I always try to have control over everything, and how part of this time away from home has been about him trying to recapture the independence he feels it's been so long since he had, I think this is him trying to have some independence and control.

Aren't there ways to gain control of your life that don't involve something so petty as ignoring your wife when she's trying to talk to you? Every time he chooses not to respond, out of some sort of notion that I'm trying to control him by not thinking some common courtesy is too much to ask from my spouse, I really wonder if he knows how that chips away at my ability to be able to rely on him. If I can't count on him to even acknowledge that I've made an attempt to communicate with him, what can I count on him for?

The combination of a ring and a piece of paper doesn't mean you can throw courtesy and respect for one another out the window, in fact, it means there should be more. And I'm feeling incredibly disrespected. I really hope this is just a symptom of what's been eating at him for the last few months, because if this is going to be a permanent fixture of his independence, that will definitely be a problem.

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