Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Right around the same time as my original depression diagnosis in college, I was also diagnosed with GERD. I took Prilosec for a while and gradually stopped (I don't remember why - it was probably my infinite wisdom telling me I was "all better," which, I believe is the same reason I stopped taking the Zoloft and Wellbutrin I was prescribed that year as well).

Over the years, it hadn't really bothered me all that much again, other than the general desire for a couple of Tums generic chewable acid reducers here and there until lately. Lately, I've had heartburn so bad in the middle of the night that I've sprinted, half-asleep, to the bathroom to cough and almost-vomit. So bad that a middle of the night bathroom sprint was all but guaranteed if I didn't take a couple of Tums generic chewable acid reducers before bed. A big ol' swig of Pepto is even better.

I finally made the connection a couple of days ago. "Hey, wait. Last time I had really bad acid was right around the same time I was depressed."

I looked it up and sure as shit, while stress and depression don't necessarily cause GERD, tension, anxiety and depression can definitely make it worse.

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